Monday, September 30, 2019

Stranded: Gun and Injured Wolf

Frozen, with snow barricading the front door. Opening one old, rickety door took us more than ten minutes. We had physically exhausted ourselves, digging through the snow with our bare hands. Every inch of our bodies ached and all sensation had been lost. â€Å"Hurry up, It's getting dark and I'm getting hungry. † I shouted. â€Å"We need to find that weapon or something sharp! † Squeaked Jim. I quickly decided to abandon the Idea of a rescue plan for the Injured wolf. This seemed a good Idea at the time due to everybody feeling the way they did.We later found out that it was the wrong decision to leave the wolf injured and nearly paid with our lives. I decided to ask Scarlet and Jim if they minded that I was behaving as team leader without a vote from the group. As I was the strongest and oldest they were happy to agree. Our first night away from our parents wasn't pretty. No food, no defense. What had started out to be a rescue mission for the Injured mammal; had alre ady become ours. It was a long night, with the snow drifting Inside the cabin. We were out In the open and were fighting for our lives.To survive we had to work as a team and be quick Through the shutters on the broken, rusty window was a distant figure. Suddenly he started to approach the cabin. â€Å"01†¦ Who are you thinking you can trespass on my property! † bellowed a strange voice in the background. â€Å"Hello? † we all answered simultaneously. You could tell we were all petrified. I tried being fearless, but inside I trembled in my boots. I was hoping this was not apparent to the stranger, who I considered scary and looking like a hillbilly's! I dread to think how Scarlet was feeling.I could see her physically shaking. An old, wrinkly man appeared wrapped with layers of wool around him. His long, rough, black hair blew in the strong, icy wind. However I quickly noticed dripping on the floor was thick, black, blood, Just like on the injured wolf. Straight t he way we stood, and were full of terror. Stranger danger! I could hear my mum reminding me in my head! We could never trust the man. I took a step back from Scarlet and Jim. They were frozen on the spot seeming to be glued to the floor. I quickly grabbed them towards me creating a little space.We noticed he had a gun in is left leather pouch on his belt. We knew we were already at a disadvantage. Miracles do happen! With the sudden noise and movement of a wild boar on the cabin roof. The stranger became distracted. This was the moment to see if he was really a human! Quickly we all opened the shutters on the windows to let as much sunlight in as possible. It was our only chance. My nightmare became reality. The stranger was full of fury and howled like a beast. This exposed his disgusting, large, yellow fangs. His fingers sprouted claws of a wolf.We all knew he wasn't human, neither mammal. He was a werewolf. Typically we had learnt something valuable in school regarding how to kil l a werewolf. We new the sunlight weakened him. He stood tall as if he felt in charge. The gun from the leather pouch dropped when the sunlight hit him. We all scrambled for the gun. Scarlet was the quickest and released a few rounds of bullets. The werewolf hesitated and ran for his life. Scarlet thought she had missed but remembers Mrs. Hilton saying â€Å"Only one silver bullet will kill a werewolf; nothing other than. †

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Inclusion in education: a challenge to make rhetoric a reality Essay

During the last decade the efforts to provide a more equitable and all-embracing educational system aimed at meeting the needs of all children have mended their pace in the United Kingdom. The noble intention to ensure a more just societal environment which gives every growing person an opportunity to participate in full measure in all aspects of life of society has been a locomotive power behind most developments in the field of special education (Rose 2003, p.12). In particular, New Labour government has been actively promoting an agenda of inclusion and participation for pupils with special educational needs (SEN) in mainstream education (Atkinson et al. 2002, p. 4; Armstrong 2005, p. 135). This agenda of inclusion has not been limited to school placement but extends to the curriculum. Inclusion has been recognised by New Labour an important aspect of the call for high standards for all learners (Mittler 2000, p. 2). Although the process of steady development of the integration of children with physical and sensory disabilities from special to mainstream schools has been carried out in the UK since the early 1980s involving various spheres of social life and gaining extensive publicity, even to date for many lay observers of the educational context, the image of children in wheelchairs coming from the special school sector into the mainstream is what they imagine such integration to be (Corbett 2001, p. 16). Such interpretation of inclusion simplifies and emasculates its essence and purposes. At the same time, as Ainscow et al. (2006) so soundly remind us, the idea of inclusion cannot refer to just some students and not others. To be inclusive requires that society strives to identify and remove all barriers to learning for all children. This means that society must attend to increasing participation not just for disabled students but for all those experiencing disadvantage, whether this results from poverty, sexuality, minority ethnic status, or other characteristics assigned significance by the dominant culture in their society. To achieve this, as Booth and Ainscow (1998) argue, while working to understand inclusion society and responsible governmental bodies must give equal attention to understanding and removing the pressures for exclusion that exist within the cultures of both the schools and society. Thus, there is no surprising that recently policies of New Labour Government aimed at inclusive education have been subjected to sharp criticism as being superficial and inadequate to meet the real requirements of children with SEN (Corbett 2001, p. 39). In particular, Armstrong (2005, p. 149) argues that these policies â€Å"go no further than to redress the traditional deficit-driven discourse of special educational needs in the fashionable but illusionary language of inclusion†. Such criticism testifies that the issue of effectiveness of inclusion in education and in-depth substance of inclusive education is contentious and complicated one. The purpose of this study is to analyze the arguments by Armstrong and other critics of recent New Labour’s governmental policies, and to evaluate their relevance. Toward this end we will discuss existing legislative instruments and New Labour government’s initiatives on inclusive education, scrutinize the meaning of inclusion and its various interpretations, examine advantages and shortcomings of inclusive policies in force, and make the conclusion. A Concept of Inclusion in Education and Its Interpretations. Both among scholars and in society there are different views on what inclusion in education is, which suggest, as we mentioned above, that complex influences are at work in the development of this field (Armstrong 2005, p. 136). Some researchers view inclusive education as an ongoing development of special education (Farrell 2006, p. 24). Others believe that what is referred to as inclusion is, and should be, derived from mainstream approaches to instruction and school organization, creating an alternative to special education knowledge and practices (Skrtic 1995, p.194). From this latter perspective the idea of inclusion as a merger of special and regular education is seen as problematic because such an amalgamation appears likely to maintain a medical, curative model of education (which we will discuss in our study later) that excludes those labelled as children with SEN from the curriculum and from other experiences available to non-labelled students (Thomas & Loxley 2001, p.4). Mittler (2000, p. 2) in a very comprehensive manner defines inclusion in the field of education as the concept which involves: a process of reform and restructuring of the school as a whole, with the aim of ensuring that all pupils can have access to the whole range of educational and social opportunities offered by the school; [and which] [†¦ ] include the curriculum on offer, the assessment, recording and reporting of pupils’ achievements, the decisions that are taken on the grouping of pupils within schools or classrooms, pedagogy and classroom practice, sport and leisure and recreational opportunities. At the same time, application of the notion of inclusion to everything from school effectiveness to civil rights to political manifestos, which we witness recently, renders it vacuous and susceptible to those critiques which accuse it of masking inadequacies (Booth & Ainscow 1998). For example, Armstrong (2005, p. 136) admits that the statistics on academic achievements of children with SEN for the period, when New Labour government is in office actively promoting inclusion in every sphere of social life, do not demonstrate any â€Å"radical transformation of the social practices of inclusion/exclusion†. Besides, for the cynics, inclusive education means abandoning labelling and special resourcing for individual needs in order to cut costs in the name of equality. They emphatically ask the quality assurance questions of what it offers to enhance learning, how to measure its quality, and which strategies are selected as of proven value (Thomas & Vaughan 2004, p. 25). Addressing these types of questions is the current responsibility of any school which purports to be inclusive (Skrtic 1995, p. 206). The way in which inclusive education, or in its earlier incarnation – integration, has been researched over the last few years is an indicator of the political nature of research in any area in which ethical issues are paramount (Clough & Corbett 2000, p. 162). The shift of emphasis has been sequential albeit often complementary: from psychological and medical child-deficit models of integrating individual children; to a sociological critique of labelling and segregation; to inclusion being an integral element of school effectiveness; to a social model of disability, placing the onus on institutions to remove barriers which limit participation (Thomas & Loxley 2001). These tendencies demonstrate that inclusive education is an evolving and so to say ‘alive’ area influenced by prevailing educational trends, such as initiatives to reduce exclusions, and by the impact of external assessment measures and competition between schools (Clough & Corbett 2000, p. 152).

Friday, September 27, 2019

Managment assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Managment assignment - Essay Example It is fair to say that in some instances, it gives true reflection of an individual whereas in other case it exaggerates the character traits of an individual. It is however good way of self-evaluation. About the results of my test, most of the findings here are true about me. I generally tend to prefer introverts to extroverts and that is clearly reflected in the 11% score that I got on preference of introversion over extraversion. I naturally pay more attention to the dynamics of the information I received over the one that I sense with my five senses. I have to study to clearly grasp some events, I am also very adventures, always looking to explore new horizons. So on that front, the 25% of moderate preference of intuition over sensing is fully justified. I don’t have any preferences when it comes to choosing between thinking and feeling. I take both of them more less the same way. The 33% that I got in my preference of judging over perceiving is pretty accurate. I have a weakness of judging situations rather just perceiving them in one way or the other. It is safe to say am a social guy who loves fun and is outgoing. My generosity is also quite evident in my day to day life. I think honestly that I can do remarkably well in a career where this traits are vital like for instance events coordination, nursing, fundraising, conflict resolution and mediation and performing arts like music. My leadership would more or less consultative and consensus seeking. It would be the type of leadership where people work harmonious with minimum friction or conflict. I tolerate ambiguity to a certain level that is not so detrimental. Am definitely a type B person because I not so ambition and aggressive as other are. I also take things a little slower giving a little thought. I am not overly bothered by stiff competition or high risk. This type of personality will

Managing absenteeism in the work place - meat industry. Methods for Dissertation

Managing absenteeism in the work place - meat industry. Methods for reducing absenteeism - Dissertation Example 128). Qualitative methods can be characterised as â€Å"interpretative†, â€Å"subjective† and â€Å"introspective† and the research findings are not conclusive or representative of the population of interest to the researcher due to small sample sizes. Nevertheless, qualitative research is often used as an â€Å"exploratory tool† (McDaniel & Gates, 2007, p. 130) gaining current and relevant information about the research problem. This information can help to define the research problem more precisely and to support the gathered data from the primary research method (Stevens et al. 1997, pp. 54-55). Before any preliminary data gathering was carried out for the study at hand, the researcher stated the basic research question and brainstormed some research objectives. Through this, the researcher was able to determine the appropriate research approach to be used. For the secondary data gathering, the researcher determined that two sub-methods would be utilis ed: data gathering from previous empirical studies and interviews. The interviews could fall under either one-on-one interviews or focused-group discussions. As there is no general rule for deciding how many group discussions or individual interviews are needed to cover a subject (Hague, Hague, & Morgan, 2004, p. 54), the researcher considered the completion of the conceptual diagram (see Fig. 1) and decided to conduct five focused-group discussion, five expert interviews, and ten individual depth interviews. Figure 1 Conceptual Diagram Advantages Relevant secondary literature, such as journal articles about similar research topics and industry information, was reviewed in order to clarify and refine the research objectives and to specify the correct flow of questions for the interview (Polonsky & Waller, 2005, p. 85). The findings and methodology of the identified key literature provided essential information and served as a basis for the secondary data gathering of this study. The major advantage of this method is acquiring several scholarly data within a short span of time. Furthermore, the main advantage of focused-group discussions and individual depth interviews (Polonsky & Waller, 2005, p. 84) is the quick and economical manner of obtaining insights into the methods of various industries and organisations on how they identify causes of absenteeism, measure and monitor absence, decide on benchmarks, manage absenteeism within the workplace, work on strategies, create flexible working policies, carry out disciplinary policies and procedures, issue notices, and have return-to-work interviews. In-depth interviews among employees can also identify the common reasons for absence and bring to light some factors that employers should consider in managing absenteeism in the workplace. Disadvantages As other researchers have previously collected secondary data for some other purpose, it is necessary to assess the accuracy and relevance of these data to the current project (e.g. the data source, purpose of the study, data collection method, main findings, how current is the research and is it consistent with other information, etc.) (McDaniel & Gates, 2007, pp. 94-95). Some secondary data was not relevant or applicable to the current research problem, because the findings were outdated and reporting units, measurement units and class definitions

Thursday, September 26, 2019

House of cards Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

House of cards - Essay Example House of cards is a politically inclined drama television series. Judging by the first episode, the series will be full of manipulation, pragmatism, and twists. This piece is a very elaborate and engaging channel to introduce management principles to neophytes. At random, the average person may deduce management to be the study of managing people. This entails keeping good relationships within an organization: studying people, what makes them tick and what makes them laugh, all in the effort to make them go into the direction you want them to go. After watching one episode, one may realize that while all these elements are present, these are not all there is to management. Management is the art of managing people. It is essential to understand the people in the organization. It is crucial to understand what makes them work and what does not. Identifying these elements enable you to delve deeper into the person, granting you the ability to utilize people to their maximum potential. Frank Underwood is seen to associate and group himself with people who share the same interests: with Zoe Barnes, a vigilant and truth-seeking journalist, and with Catherine Durant, an anti-Walker politician who has her own tricks. These relationships will enable him to achieve his goal, since he has aligned goals with these persons. It is crucial to note that while people have aligned goals at the moment, it may not be so eventually.It is also essential to not only understand, but to establish your relationship with the people in the organization. Doing so grants you knowledge on how you can handle them.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Impact of Education on Veterans Empowerment to Enhance Careers and Job Essay

Impact of Education on Veterans Empowerment to Enhance Careers and Job Satisfaction - Essay Example Soldiers of the World War II spent a considerable period of their lives in the battle field. Incidences taking place in the battle field caused psychological torture and trauma on these soldiers. During their homecoming, the process was characterized by a mixture of feelings and emotions. While those left in their homes advanced academically and improved in the social class, particularly friends and relatives, the soldiers were less educated, with their education stagnating. The civilians acquired higher education and got married, changed their lifestyles among others. On the contrary, the war soldiers came back to start their lives, some from destroyed families and others stalled careers. These problems they faced right on their return were too hard to bear. To solve them, they required economic, financial and psychological support. As a congratulatory message, they were presented with a range of benefits after completing the GI program. Education largely featured among these benefi ts. The potential of education in bringing the soldiers back to normal life as well as putting them in the same social class contributed to this emphasis. Many scholars undertook to conduct studies on the effects of these benefits in transforming the lives of these soldiers. While some argued that these were of no use in changing their way of life, others were confident that they would adequately change them. It is due to these conflicting studies and arguments that I will conduct this study. Its main intent wil

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Hitler-Mussolini Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Hitler-Mussolini - Essay Example He was considered the master of Europe because of the series of decisive victories which also convinced him that he was the greatest military commander of all time because of his infallible intuition. Instead of appealing to the intelligence of his audience, his speech was designed to appeal to the emotion. Benito Mussolini was an Italian politician, the leader of the National Fascist Party and one of the key figures in the creation of Fascism. He was an Italian dictator from 1922-1943 who founded the Fascist Party and was the editor of Avanti, the party’s organ. Being a socialist made him anti-clerical, antireligious, anti-imperialist, anti-monarchial and believed that to achieve a socialist society, direct action and violence must be achieved (Smyth, 1988) Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in Braunau, Austria-Hungary. His father, Alois, was the illegitimate son of Marianne Schickel-gruber who was a servant girl who had worked in a Jewish household. He later changed his name to Alois Hitler. Adolf was the son of his father’s third wife, Klara Poelzl Hitler, 23 years his junior. They were six children but only two reached the age of maturity, himself and a younger sister Paula, who died in 1960. Adolf’s adolescence was unusual because it lasted until his death. His intellectual, emotional, artistic and sexual development was not fully developed. He was famous for his temper tantrums. This is one aspect of Hitler’s state of mind. He seemed to have grown-up immaturely. (Waite, 1988) Benito Mussolini was born at Dovia on July 29, 1883. A devoutly Catholic mother and an anti-clerical father raised him. His mother had him baptized into the Roman Catholic and they attended mass on Sundays. His time at a religious boarding house was regarded as punishment by him comparing his experience to hell. He was once dragged by force to church when he refused

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Main Causes of Global Warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Main Causes of Global Warming - Essay Example Greenhouse gases are increasing in percentage in the atmosphere. A release of methane gas from the wetlands and the arctic tundra is a cause of global warming (. Methane gas traps heat in the atmosphere of the earth. Methane is also released from agriculture and landfills, as well as from the grazing animals’ digestive systems. Fertilizers release nitrous oxide which is also a greenhouse gas. Carbon dioxide is another gas that is responsible for global warming and its percentage in the atmosphere is rapidly increasing as a result of deforestation. These are very powerful gases as causes of global warming. â€Å"A molecule of methane produces more than 20 times the warming of a molecule of CO2. Nitrous oxide is 300 times more powerful than CO2† (â€Å"Causes of Global†). Lack of sufficient or efficient recycling is another cause of global warming. Since more material gets wasted than is recycled, the deficiency thus produced is addressed by extracting new minerals, metals, and materials from the earth through operations and processes, that not only result in a depletion of the natural resources in the earth, but also generate tremendous amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere (â€Å"Recycling†). Lack of sufficient recycling is thus an indirect cause of global warming. If proper channels and laws are established to thrive in the practice of recycling, there can be brought a considerable reduction in demand as well as global warming. Another cause of global warming is the carbon released into the atmosphere as a result of the burning of fuel. Ever since man-made vehicles and started driving them with the combustion of fuel, carbons have been released into the atmosphere.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Opium War Essay Example for Free

Opium War Essay Introduction What is machine translation? Simply put, machine translation is the application of computer text from one natural language into another natural language text translation. The translation climax in the history of China again and again set off, the translation of Buddhist scriptures in the Eastern Han to the Tang and Song dynasties, the Ming and Qing technology translation and the Opium War to the May Fourth Movement to promote the progress of history. Today, the advent of the global information age is the translation climax conditions, requirements, involved in the field of computer science, mathematics, linguistics. However, the science of translation career how? Effects? How we will develop and make progress? In this paper, a review of the development of machine translation, disadvantages, role and prospects of superficial discussion, to answer these questions. i. A history of the development of machine translation The 17th century French philosopher, mathematician Descartes and the German mathematician Leibniz put forward the idea of using the machine dictionary overcome language barriers. In 1946, the worlds first electronic computer was born, after 50 years of development, through the tortuous road success, there are setbacks, presented numerous challenges for researchers. Machine translation potential social and economic benefits, some Western countries as well as Japan and other countries have spent a lot of R D, machine translation into the boom by its start-up period of the trough, the recovery period and make showing unprecedented prosperous and developed. The following is a brief overview of the various periods of its development. That is start-up period (1947 to 1954), Trough period (1954 to 1975), Recovery period (1975 to 1989),Prosperous Period. ii. The problem of machine translation The machine translation prosperity does not mean it does not have any problems. According to statistics, machine translation with human translation, translation accuracy and readability is less than 70%, many ways, there are a large number of problems, yet computer, language experts and machine translation users to jointly overcome. Opened the translation history at a glance the criterion the eyes of the beholder, the wise see wisdom. Three Kingdoms period follow essentially, Gavin ornaments East Jindao An best of Record, not so prejudicial statements were made tour word Tang Xuan Zang, neither shall seek the truth, and shall Yu vulgar to modern Yan Fu, letter the relentless pursuit of Dayak Chinese letter, Fu Lei quite similar , environment of Qian Zhongshu Gu Zhengkun best approximation . Tytlers three principles abroad, the famous translator Nidas dynamic equivalence the the fee Road Rove equivalents, otherwise Gorlee, alleged meaning on qualitative quantity. But are all demanding translation standards. The machine is translated as a translation, of course, should pay attention to the quality of the translation. The translation quality of machine translation can understand and loyalty, it is difficult to achieve the ideal standard. These examples to illustrate (1) The erroneous translation of part of speech and meaning. These problems with the machine error on the part of speech, meaning Discrimination are inseparable. Once the parts of speech in this connection vocabulary to syntax bridge is the wrong resolution, the translation will be wrong. Therefore, it is the wrong resolution mistranslation phenomenon should arouse the attention of machine translation researchers. (2)Adverbial wrong translation Of mistranslation. Such as the num ber and type of vehi2cles be misinterpreted as such a number of types of vehicles. Comparative sentence mistranslation. The earlier a smog alert can be issued, the greater its effectiveness is as it al2low s were wrongly translated: constitutes more time this smoke alarm can be as early as issued, the greater its efficiency as it does allow and the correct translation should be: the sooner the alarm, the greater the role, because it will make the Sketch word mistranslated. Small words, such as articles, conjunctions, English is not fluent in English. Chinese On the contrary, they become redundant, this machine translation can not be a good conversion. On these issues, there have been a lot of research, but always simple description, do not be traced. I believe that the key to these problems is not a simple computer program driving hard to the issue of slavery, but the context of the language itself is not a thorough analysis, we should ponder the question is how to make the machine with minimum knowledge. How to make the long-term accumulated cultural knowledge to penetrate into the machine translation. When they make the machine and from the search context, and in a certain culture play a role in its translation, what will? Mentioned Context, we can get some inspiration from the M alinow ski and Firth, Firth linguists task should be to study the text language phenomenon and its context combination, machine translation is the translation of a natural language another natural language should be set analysis, Discrimination select processing as an integrated process, asked to do , Shindaya. Gave us think of fruitRevelation, the word of the keys on the piano, alone has no effect. Keep context together makes sense. Another factor is the cultural context. Firth social scene decided to play social role social role is limited. Therefore, the social scene is also limited. Event enables the machine translation These limited role in society, the social scene analysis processing, translation will be able to improve the understandability credibility and While this robot suspected, but this is the trend. Since the machine translation represents the high-tech should be a breakthrough in the current information age. ii. The role of machine translation Machine translation through a saddle-type process, PaulDeposit and flourish, today turned into a tool, the reasonIt is its role in promoting. (1)Promote social progress Human leave no stone unturned to develop and complete a machine. Is translation systems, has developed a translation software, promoted by Economic development, social progress, eliminating the language in the world among people Introduction obstacles, communicate with the entire world. (2) Improve translation efficiency With the machine translation research has improved continuously, the field of translation achieved unprecedented success. In our translation work, We can make use of a variety of translation systems or software to complete the translation task, Samples can improve the speed and accuracy of the translation, translation efficiency. (3) Promote the development of other areas Machine translation to get involved in mathematics, computer science, linguistics, translation Science and other multi-discipline areas need strong development of these disciplines, substantial based on the outcome, so as to promote the development of these areas. Fourth, the outlook on the prospects for machine translation. The birth of the machine translation system, especially to people translation, who brought hope. Although machine translation the understandability and loyalty also not ideal, but if the mathematics, computer science, translation studies and language science and other researchers in the field of work together, will make the machine translation out more beautiful flowers, bear more fruit. Conclusion In the above mentioned, if the context of the language environment and cultural context for consideration in the process of programming, will be able to make the translation discourse stronger language three functions, namely the concept of function, people interpersonal function and textual function was more prominent. It is also the author most would like to suggest, hope, serve role. It should be believed that through the tireless efforts of many researchers make machine translation. Having been properly developed, thus will be able to promote vigorous translation cause development.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Book Report on “Fathers and Sons” by Ivan Turgenev Essay Example for Free

Book Report on â€Å"Fathers and Sons† by Ivan Turgenev Essay â€Å"Fathers and Sons† is, perhaps, the most interesting book by the Russian writer Ivan Turgenev, which gained international recognition. It has been first published in 1862 and concurred with a complicated period of Russian history, known as the â€Å"Great Reforms†. Abolition of serfdom, reforms of administrational system, industrialization and raise of revolutionary ideas caused profound changes in the Russian society and in the minds of people. Turgenev’s book is devoted t this dramatic mental and psychological break. â€Å"Fathers† are old generation who share conservative views and â€Å"sons† are youth, dreaming of revolution and demonstrating nihilism and disrespect towards traditional values. The narrator of the story – Nikolai Petrovitch Kirsanov, is a son of a general, who has been a hero of Napoleonic wars. His life is rather unremarkable. Being unable to serve in the army because of the childhood trauma, he has married and lived happily with his wife till her early death. After that he devoted all his life to his only son Arcady. The novel opens when the older Kirsanov stands before the door of his dominion waiting for his son returning from the university. Finally the son comes back, but he is not alone, he is accompanied by his new university friend Yevgeny Vasilevich Bazarov. Soon Nikolai Kirsanov finds out, that his son has completely fallen under influence of Bazarov’s nihilistic and realistic views. He dreams of bloody revolutionary changes and disputes with Kirsanov about the future of Russia: Aristocracy, liberalism, progress, principles, said Bazarov. Just think what a lot of foreign . . . and useless words! To a Russian theyre no good for anything! , says he. Further along the novel Bazarov continues to play a role of a â€Å"revolutionary demon†. He is pretty charismatic, so such miserable people as Sitnikov and Kukushkina fall under his influence. Those two are represent a sort of â€Å"progressive thinkers† whose â€Å"progrogressism† comes to be reduced to absurd. They are ready to admire any new nihilistic ideas being completely unable to think of them critically and add any own reasoning to them. Bazarov openly contemns Sitnikov and flirts with Kushkina to allay his boredom. What is really interesting for Bazarov are his disputes with Pavel Petrovitch Kirsanov, older brother of Nikolai Kirsanov They feel antipathy from the very first moment of their acquaintance. Pavel Kirsanov speaks of Bazarov’s nihilism as of an unfounded doctrine existing in vacuum. Bazarov’s manner of thinking is purely utilitarian: We act by virtue of what we recognize as useful, went on Bazarov. At present the most useful thing is denial, so we deny. Pavel strongly disagrees But allow me, began Nikolai Petrovich. You deny everything, or to put it more precisely, you destroy everything . . . But one must construct, too, you know. [33] But Bazarov remains sure, that to construct something it is first necessary to â€Å"Clean the ground†. Perhaps this dispute between Pavel Kirsanov and Bazarov puts forth the basic idea of the book: conflict of conservatism and revolutionary doctrine. In order to iron out the differences between Pavel Kirsanov and Bazarov Arcady tells Bazarov the story of Pavel’s life. Once Pavel was a luminous officer, but love to a woman, duchess R† ruined his life and left him completely drained. Pavel only retained his sophisticated taste, fair manners and Anglomania. Although she is not present in the novel, duchess R† seems to be one of the characters because even after years she continues to determine Pavel’s actions. He asks for satisfaction from Bazarov, when he sees him kissing Fenichka, but the real reason is not Bazarov’s behavior, but that Fenichka somehow reminds Pavel duchess R†. While men in the story are symbols of social classes and positions, women represent something, what can be called â€Å"normal life†, whether it is duchess R† – a symbol of Russian magnificent nobility, Fenichka – a symbol of common sense, or Mme Odintsov. Mme Odintsov is a very special character. On the one hand she is perfectly educated and progressive woman, on the other she does not in any way share Bazarov’s enthusiasm about social cataclysms. She is sure, that society is to be bettered by bettering of human, but not by reconstruction of it’s formation. She asks Bazarov a question which he is unable to directly answer: And you suppose, said Anna Sergeyevna, that when society is reformed there will be no longer any stupid or wicked people? [56] Bazarov starts explaining that a proper society will make no difference, but inside he feels, that Odintsova is right. Love to a woman is so contrary to Bazarov’s views, that he is unable to accept it, putting cynicism on himself, and then leaving her house. He attempts to find some occupation for himself, flirts, fights at a duel and tries to speak about his ideas with peasants. The peasants are in fact those, who are to be enthusiastic about the revolution, at least as Bazarov thinks. So he is unhappily surprised to find out, that peasants do not want to understand complicated teaching and think of him as of a cheat. Bazarov’s ideas collapse: he finds no support both with educated and common people, so he has to recognize, that revolution is actually unnecessary to anyone and that it is nothing more, than a fashionable game. Pavel Kirsanov is right: doctrines of Bazarov exist in vacuum. It is not clear whether Bazarov’s death was a suicide, but his behavior itself is suicidal, and he accepts the certainty of death calmly. The only thing he wants is to say farewell to Odintsova. At his deathbed he openly confessed, that all his prod ideas went down to the pan. He continues to speak of himself as of a giant, but now the only task he puts for himself is to die with dignity. Six month after his death the two couples married: Nikolai Kirsanov to Fenichka and Arcady to Kate – Odintsova younger sister. The normal life continues even after Bazarov’s death, and Arcady, his former confederate, becomes a wealthy landowner, representing an antithesis to Bazarov’s views. Bazarov’s grave is almost forgotten, and only his parents sometimes come to shed tears over it. Although â€Å"Fathers and Sons† is a novel about pre-revolutionary Russia, it’s lesson is useful for all generations. Sons always rise against their fathers, willing to change this world and create a totally new one for themselves. And Turgenev demonstrates how mental dissoluteness and spiritual weakness can destroy even the most sharp-minded person. The whole revolutionary fervor of Bazarov is destroyed by romantic love – the real motivation of the world. At the end of his life â€Å"the demon† feels lost and betrayed, while conservatism triumphs over his grave. Works cited: Ivan Turgenev (1998) Fathers and Sons. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Friday, September 20, 2019

South China Sea And East China Sea Disputes Politics Essay

South China Sea And East China Sea Disputes Politics Essay During introduction the paper will draw the aspects related to South China Sea and later on East China Sea issues will be pointed out. The South China Sea is strategically an enormously important region. Dominance over it is claimed by states of Brunei, China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam.  [1]  While China has, over the last 20 years, made general progress towards improving relations with its Southeast Asian neighbours, growing tensions over these competing rights threaten to challenge its effectiveness. Since the military exercises performed by Chinese ships against the US ocean surveillance ship USNS Impeccable in March 2009 in the South China Sea, situation attracted greater diplomatic and press consideration  [2]  . Some observers see Chinas behaviour in the South China Sea as a sign of assertive diplomacy.  [3]  The sovereignty disputes are more than disputes over who owns particular landscapes. They: involve major themes of grand strategy and territorial defence, including the protection of sea lines of communication, energy, food and environmental security. They may also be linked to rising populist nationalism. The stakes are too high for imminent resolution; the rulers of states with maritime territorial claims in the South China Sea are convinced that compromise is not in their national interest.  [4]   Actors (also states without claims and non-state actors, such as energy companies) focus not so much on dispute resolution but rather on dispute management, with the aim of preventing conflict and preserving freedom of navigation and over flight. The non-binding Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, signed in November 2002 by China and by 10 ASEAN member states, dedicates the parties to work towards adopting a legally binding law whilst exercising self-restraint in the conduct of activities that would complicate or escalate disputes   [5]   One must point out that the obligation to self-restraint has not put an end to unannounced and potentially provocative reinforcement of already occupied islands.  [6]  While diplomats on all sides points out the weaknesses of 2002 declaration, some states undertook one-sided military, bureaucratic and jurisdictional initiatives in the South China Sea, with the sole purpose of changing the political and military status quo.  [7]  One must say, that Chinas initiatives have been particularly prominent.  [8]  Following the Impeccable incident, Washington has been paying increased attention to developments in the South China Sea.  [9]  Although careful to loose its distance regarding sovereignty disputes, the United States has more aggressively highlighted its interest in protecting the free transit of vessels, both commercial and military.  [10]  Such passage is vital for Americas position in Asia, for the integrity of its regional security, and for its ability to obs erve Chinese military developments.  [11]  The US desire to retain this ability to monitor Chinese military development, including the developing Chinese naval base on Hainan, and the Chinese rejection of this right, might be one of the main factors behind the rising tensions.  [12]  In testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee in March 2009, the commander of the US Pacific Command, Admiral Timothy Keating, argued that : The Impeccable incident was a troubling indicator that China, particularly in the South China Sea, is behaving in an aggressive and troublesome manner, and theyre not willing to abide by acceptable standards of behaviour or rules of the road   [13]   Moreover, in July 2009, the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations held hearings on Maritime disputes and sovereignty issues in East Asia to observe how these were impacting on the region and US interests there. In January 2010, the new commander of the Pacific Command, Admiral Robert F. Willard, highlighted to Congress how Chinese naval patrols in the South China Sea had shown an : increased willingness to confront regional nations on the high seas and within the contested island chains  [14]   In February, the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission held an all-day hearing on Chinas activities in Southeast Asia, with experts reporting about Chinas growing belligerence in the South China Sea and advising that the United States needed to engage more with the region to protect its interests, including taking a more active interest in dispute management.  [15]  Concerns over Chinas actions in these waters continued to grow through 2010. At the ASEAN Regional Forum in Hanoi in July 2010, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made the strongest and most direct public statement of US engagement on the issue to date, declaring that the United States had : a national interest in open access to Asias maritime commons and respect for international law in the South China Sea.  [16]   Calling for a collaborative diplomatic process, she highlighted US opposition to the use or threat of force by any claimant, a remark aimed primarily at China.  [17]   This is clashes directly with Chinas recent statement that the South China Sea is its core interest.  [18]  Tension was raised when the joint naval and air drills conducted by the US and South Koreaee in the Yellow Sea in July and August 2010 where conducted  [19]  In response, the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) carried out military exercises in the South China Sea and the Yellow Sea. At the same time, there have been renewed tensions in the East China Sea. On 7 September 2010, two Japanese Coast Guard patrol ships collided with a Chinese fishing boat while they carried out law enforcement activities in the waters off the Diaoyu/ Senkaku Islands.  [20]  Chinese captain Zhan Qixiong was detained on the order of an Okinawa local court, sparking demonstrations in Beijing and diplomatic protests from China  [21]  On the day of the collision, Chinas Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Jiang Yu, demanded that: Japanese patrol boats refrain from so-called law enforcement activities in waters off the Diaoyu Islands.  [22]   The Japanese ambassador to China was summoned six times over the incident, once by Chinese State Councillor Dai Bingguo. The event was not resolved until China suspended diplomatic and civilian exchanges with Japan and threatened to stop rare earth exports  [23]   Of course, these events may ultimately prove to be just minor indifferences in diplomatic relations. Whatever the ultimate significance, these developments raise fundamental questions about the future directionality of territorial disputes in Chinas borderline seas. Particularly the importance of the disputes between China, Japan, and the ASEAN nations. The thing is that given their close geographical proximity, disputes in these regions have very different dynamics.  [24]  In both cases, China, as a dominant power, is an important claimant state. In the East China Sea, on the opposite side of the ocean from China, is Japan, another major regional power in East Asia. Their mutual relationship is strained due to such factors as their competition for regional leadership and the historical memories of animosity between them.  [25]   So far, there has been no military conflict between them per se as a result of the territorial dispute, but political tensions have been intense.  [26]  In the South China Sea, China faces a group of ASEAN nations (including Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam) that represent a more asymmetric balance of power when compared with the East China Sea. Given the long-standing nature of these disputes, these frameworks enable us to track the record of conflicts and the shifts in the relative power balances of the claimants, eventually leading to the conclusion that certainty and stability have improved in the South China Sea, with the converse outcomes happening in the East China Sea. 2. Core National Interest According to Edward Wong, the Beijing-based correspondent for The New York Times: In March [2010], Chinese officials told two visiting senior Obama administration officials, Jeffrey A. Bader and James B. Steinberg, that China would not tolerate any interference in the South China Sea, now part of Chinas core interest of sovereignty, said an American official involved in China policy. It was the first time the Chinese labelled the South China Sea a core interest, on par with Taiwan and Tibet, the official said.  [27]   There were no U.S. officials denying the NYT report. Its is clear the Chinese are trying to distance themselves from their self-imposed policy on this one  [28]  . In March, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs Cui Tiankai told two senior U.S. officials that China now views its claims to the 1.3 million-square-mile sea on par with its claims to Tibet and Taiwan, an island that China says belongs to Beijing.  [29]   Once the remarks were reported in public Chinese officials felt constrained about denying outright that the South China Sea was a not core national interest for fear of provoking a domestic backlash among Chinese nationalists. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has disclosed that at the 2nd U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue in Beijing (24-25 May 2010) the Chinese stated they viewed the South China Sea as a core interest. Clinton stated in an interview: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦and when China first told us at a meeting of the Strategic and Economic Dialogue that they viewed the South China Sea as a core interest, I immediately responded and said, We dont agree with that. So they were on notice that if they were Question: Was that Dai Bingguo that said that to you? Yes, yeah. So if they were in the process of extending their efforts to claim and control to the detriment of international law, freedom of navigation, maritime security, the claims of their neighbors, that was a concerning matter. And therefore, we worked with a lot of the ASEAN countries who are directly impacted and 12 of us raised it a the ASEAN Regional Forum last July to make it clear that issues like that have to be resolved in accordance with the rule of law.  [30]   Since the initial report, Chinese officials have been equivocal when questioned whether or not the South China Sea has been raised officially to a core interest or core national interest. For example, a correspondent who attended the Shangri-la Dialogue in Singapore in June 2010 stated that a Peoples Liberation Army Major General told him the South China Sea : was not quite the same as Tibet or Taiwan.  [31]   The Chinese media frequently use the term core interest, particularly in the July- August 2010 period.  [32]  For example, an editorial in a leading English-language paper asserted: Chinas tolerance was sometime taken advantage of by neighbouring countries to seize unoccupied islands and grab natural resources under Chinas sovereignty. Chinas long-term strategic plan should never be taken as a weak stand. It is clear that military clashes would bring bad results to all countries in the region involved, but China will never waive its right to protect its core interest with military means.  [33]   A review of Chinese academic and media commentary on this question concluded: While no Chinese official has spoken about what core national interests means, there is a growing chorus from within the country for the Peoples Liberation Army to defend these core interests in the disputed region. Recent news coverage has brought the term core national interests into the same spotlight as national sovereignty: and territorial integrity and raises the issue of how China defines the term and what it covers.  [34]   Walter Lohman, an expert with Washington-based Heritage Foundation, determined that : Chinas characterization of South China Sea as a core interestà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ is just a big misunderstanding or in the process of being walked back by the Chinese.  [35]   As a result of the foregoing, Chinese assertiveness in the South China Sea has generated special concerns.  [36]  In March 2010, U.S. media reported that Chinese officials told senior State Department envoys that the South China Sea had been elevated to a core interest along with Taiwan and Tibet and China would not tolerate any interference in the South China Sea.  [37]  Chinese officials repeated this assertion in private conversations with foreign diplomats and the term core interest was used in Chinese media reports. These statements generated a new level of concern about Beijings strategic ambitions in the South China Sea. Subsequently, Chinese officials backtracked and now deny making such a statement .  [38]  Still , the issue remained as valid. 3.Legal aspects A) Nature and Status of the South China Sea Claims The vast South China Sea region also includes island chains and submerged reefs that have been the subject of disputes, including the Spratly Islands, the Paracel Islands and Macclesfield Bank.) The area became a possible target for exploration by multinational oil companies. In addition, the likelihood of conflict has increased as international maritime laws have slowly been codified and institutionalized following World War II. Motivated by the desire to extend control over sea-based resources, neighbouring states in the area have increasingly come into verbal conflict and even sporadic military confrontations over sovereignty, sovereign rights, jurisdiction, and arms control efforts in the South China Sea.  [39]   During the 1980s and 1990s, most of the disputing states have found themselves in a race to bolster their claims to sovereignty by gaining occupation of the islands that can support a physical presence or by establishing markers on the islands where physical occupation is not feasible.  [40]  In some cases claimants have even built structures on features that are completely submerged at high tide, maintaining a physical presence on these island specks under arduous and mind-numbing physical conditions. Currently, Vietnam occupies more than twenty islets or rocks, China occupies eight, Taiwan one, the Philippines eight, and Malaysia three to six.  [41]   The race for occupation of the Spratly Islands has increased the likelihood of international conflict, resulting in three cases of military intimidation in recent years (setting aside Chinas use of military force against Vietnamese troops to enforce its claim to the Paracels in 1974), the first of which led to military conflict.  [42]  This confrontation occurred between the Chinese and Vietnamese over the occupation of Fiery Cross Reef (Yung Shu Jiao) in 1988, at which time the PRC sank three Vietnamese vessels, killing seventy-two people.  [43]  In 1992 the Chinese announcement of an oil exploration concession to the U.S. Crestone Company, combined with the occupation of Da Lac Reef and subsequent deployment of three Romeo-class conventional submarines to patrol the area, aroused alarms among the ASEAN states, which had just called for the non-use of force in resolving the Spratly Islands dispute in the Manila Declaration on the South China Sea.  [44]  The third inciden t began with the discovery that the Chinese had occupied Mischief Reef (Meijijiao/Panganiban), a circular reef well within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the Philippines (following the Philippines announcement of a desktop oil exploration concession in the Mischief Reef area), and involved encounters between military vessels from the Philippines and the PRC in March and April 1995. It was the aptly named Mischief Reef confrontation that has catalyzed the most recent wave of interest and concern over the Spratly Islands issue. That concern was reinforced by PRC military pressures against Taiwan. B)International Laws Related to the Dispute The documentary background for the various territorial claims in the South China Sea is quite thin, and the historical records are often contradictory.  [45]  None of the claimants offers unassailable historical or legal claims. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has used effective occupation and discovery as primary considerations in evaluating the legitimacy of island territorial claims, although a features location, its history, and whether other claimants have a record of protesting illegal occupation may be considered in determining the legitimacy of sovereignty claims to particular features.  [46]  Separate from the issues of who owns the islands and rocks and whether the submerged reefs of the Spratly Islands can themselves generate maritime zones is the question of whether the islands can sustain human habitation or economic life of their own, the minimum criterion for an island to generate its own continental shelf or EEZ  [47]  . Even if human life can be sustained, islands carry less weight than continental borders in generating EEZs under the prevailing interpretations of the Law of the Sea. Artificial islands on which structures have been built are entitled to a 500-meter safety zone, but they cannot generate a territorial sea, much less a continental shelf or EEZ. Features that appear only at low tide can generate a partial twelve-mile territorial sea only if they are within twelve nautical miles of any feature that generates a territorial sea. Features submerged at low tide are not subject to sovereignty claims and generate no maritime zones at all. The acceptance by the disputing parties of the prevailing interpretation of these provisions to islands in the South China Sea has the potential to greatly reduce the area of overlapping claims, since some disputants have based their claims on an interpretation that the features themselves can generate an EEZ of up to 200 nautical miles. A strict interpretation of the Law of the Sea provision regarding a features ability to sustain human habitation or economic life of their own may well leave few if any of the features in the Spratly Islands able to generate an EEZ, greatly reducing the potential area of overlapping claims. Even if these islands were capable of generating an EEZ, it is unlikely that they would be considered able to generate one of 200 nautical miles.  [48]  After sovereignty of the islands is decided, the question of how EEZs might be defined is critical to determining the size and scope of the areas where negotiations might be necessary to resolve territorial disputes. The Law of the Sea Convention stipulates that in areas where EEZs overlap, the dispute should be settled through peaceful negotiation among the parties concerned, or the parties might voluntarily agree to third-party mediation or to judicial consideration by the ICJ. There is a slowly evolving body of international legal precedents for evaluating the validity of various claims based on the Law of the Sea, and many disputants have found creative ways to avoid sensitive sovereignty issues through limited bilateral joint resource development schemes. The Chinese and Vietnamese claims to sovereignty i n the South China Sea are both based on historical claims of discovery and occupation.  [49]  The Chinese case is better documented, but the extent of the Chinese claims remains ambiguous and contradictory.  [50]  The Japanese occupied the Spratly Islands during World War II and used the island of Itu Aba (Taiping Dao) as cover for surveillance and as a supply depot, but the Japanese claim lapsed with their defeat in World War II.  [51]  Taiwans claims to Chinese ownership of the South China Sea are similar to those of the PRC, and there has been some evidence of coordination of positions on the Chinese claims in the Indonesian Workshops on the South China Sea. The Philippine claim is based on the discovery of the unclaimed islands of Kalayaan (Freedomland) by an explorer, Tomas Cloma, in 1956. This is one of the most challenged claims, and the U.S.-Philippines security commitment has been consistently interpreted by the United States as excluding Kalayaan. The Malaysian claim is based on its continental shelf claim. The Bruneian claim is also based on a straight-line projection of its EEZ as stipulated by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.  [52]   C) Chinas Claims over the Spratly Islands in detail Rightly or wrongly, many Western academics have emphasized Chinas approach to handling its claims in the South China Sea as a critical test of Beijings role as a regional and global power in Asia in the twenty-first century.  [53]   In particular, many ASEAN analysts worry that China has since the late 1980s been working to acquire a blue-water navy and other offensive force projection capabilities, such as longer-range aircraft, aerial refueling capabilities, and more modern, harder-to-detect submarine technology, with potential negative implications for the security interests of neighboring countries in Southeast Asia. The Peoples Liberation Army navy has adopted a strategic doctrine of offshore active defense.  [54]  This doctrine envisions a midterm (10-15 years) ocean-going naval capability in which the PLA navy would be able to assert effective control of the seas within the first island chain, presumably including Taiwan and the South China Sea.  [55]  Although the Chinese navy is currently limited in its offshore capabilities and although development of indigenous production capability is taking place at a rather slow pace, concerns among Southeast Asian countries about the future development of the PLAs force projection capabilities have heightened ASEAN sensitivities to Chinese naval actions in the South China Sea region. Off-the-shelf purchases of foreign military technology such as SU-27s, Kilo-class submarines, and other military equipment from Russia that could speed up Chinas military development have attracted notice from Chinas neighbors; however, the time required to learn new technologies and integrate them into Chinas existing force structure and to make them operational suggests that any increase in Chinas military capacity will be incremental rather than dramatic  [56]  . In response, some Southeast Asian countries have begun to take limited but significant military modernization steps of their own, meant to enhance their command and control capabilities, thereby creating the potential for a regional arms race around the South China Sea. There is conflicting analysis of Chinas strategy and tactics in pursuing its claims to the Spratly Islands area. Given t he PRCs limited capability to take and hold the islands it claims, some see a pattern of hot-and-cold tactics by China that is intended to throw the other claimants off balance until the PRC is able to enforce its claim through intimidation or force.  [57]  These analysts point to Chinese salami tactics, in which China tests the other claimants through aggressive actions, then backs off when it meets significant resistance.  [58]  Chinas ambiguity on the extent and nature of its claims is regarded as a tactical plot to stall or defer any attempt to achieve a negotiated settlement until China is prepared to get what it wants through military strength.  [59]   Other analysts emphasize that while the political issue of sovereignty is a particularly sensitive one during a period of political transition in Beijing, the top goal of the PRC leadership for the foreseeable future is to maintain a stable environment conducive to Chinas economic development. These analysts assert that Chinas defense strategy of active defense is still focused primarily on continental defense and the ability to react to localized conflicts.  [60]  Chinas actions in the Spratly Islands area are seen as primarily defensive, preserving Chinas options vis-à  -vis the other claimants as the Law of the Sea is applied. In addition, some experts have suggested that the South China Sea dispute cannot be solved in isolation from Chinas other maritime disputes in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea.  [61]  These experts suggest that China may feel landlocked and therefore geographically disadvantaged.  [62]  Such a condition might make these maritime border disp utes more difficult to settle because the strategic stakes for a China encircled by discrete maritime boundaries would be too high. Given the reverberations from sporadic military confrontations in the South China Sea in recent years, all parties have reason to be vigilant for opportunities to pursue progress on the Spratly Islands issue. Ef

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Gender :: essays research papers

Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, May 1997 v36 n9-10 p551(22) Advertising's effects on men's gender role attitudes. Jennifer Garst; Galen V. Bodenhausen. Author's Abstract: COPYRIGHT 1997 Plenum Publishing Corporation We posited that media images of men influence the gender role attitudes that men express soon after exposure to the images. A total of 212 men (87% European American, 7% Asian or Asian American, 3% African American, and 3% other) viewed magazine advertisements containing images of men that varied in terms of how traditionally masculine vs. androgynous they were and whether the models were the same age or much older than the viewers. Men who had initially been less traditional espoused more traditional attitudes than any other group after exposure to traditionally masculine models, although they continued to endorse relatively nontraditional views after exposure to androgynous models. These findings suggest that nontraditional men's gender role attitudes may be rather unstable and susceptible to momentary influences such as those found in advertising. Full Text: COPYRIGHT 1997 Plenum Publishing Corporation In the average American household, the television is turned "on" for almost seven hours each day, and the typical adult or child watches two to three hours of television per day. It is estimated that the average child sees 360,000 advertisements by the age of eighteen (Harris, 1989). Due to this extensive exposure to mass media depictions, the media's influence on gender role attitudes has become an area of considerable interest and concern in the past quarter century. Analyses of gender portrayals have found predominantly stereotypic portrayals of dominant males and nurturant females within the contexts of advertisements (print and television), magazine fiction, newspapers, child-oriented print media, textbooks, literature, film, and popular music (Busby, 1975; Durkin, 1985a; Leppard, Ogletree, & Wallen, 1993; Lovdal, 1989; Pearson, Turner, & Todd-Mancillas, 1991; Rudman & Verdi, 1993; Signorielli & Le ars, 1992). Most of the research to date on the effects of gender-role images in the media has focused primarily on the female gender role. A review of research on men in the media suggests that, except for film literature, the topic of masculinity has not been addressed adequately (Fejes, 1989). Indeed, as J. Katz (1995) recently noted, "there is a glaring absence of a thorough body of research into the power of cultural images of masculinity" (p. 133). Katz suggests that studying the impact of advertising represents a useful place to begin addressing this lacuna.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Survival of the Thinnest :: Health Diet Weight Papers

Survival of the Thinnest It all started with Eve. All she wanted to do was eat an apple and what happens? She gets kicked out of the Garden of Eden. It’s such a shame that the world viewed Eve’s sin as losing grace. To make matters worse, during the Renaissance the word â€Å"grace† described â€Å"beautiful† women.[i] Along came graceful Barbie the â€Å"ideal beautiful† woman. She gave all the little girls (and boys) something to dream about. Fast forward to the present. Images of perfection fill television, magazines, and even advertisements. Images that force average young adults, who make up the majority, to question the way they look. Does this make me look fat? I could spare to loose a few pounds, 50 if I’m lucky? Such thoughts consume the minds of millions. And it’s not just the girls; remember Adam got kicked out too. Plus what little girl didn’t think, Ken’s so dreamy? Ever since the dawn of time, it seems society has punished those who just want to eat. Kudos to society for consequently spawning the emaciation fad. So we need a drastic solution in order to reverse humanity’s negative body image crimes. Studies show there is alarming trend in extreme thinness due to starvation amongst high school to college students. In schools around America, teens are obsessing over perfecting their physical bodies. Students are dropping their books in the hopes of dropping something else- pounds. To be a part of the â€Å"In Crowd† they have to look the part right? In a study done by Denise Sloan, female college student participants from Florida and Pennsylvania completed a series of eating disorder questionnaires. Then the researchers measured and compared the girls’ body masses. The results? Brace yourselves folks, because what we are about to reveal is striking. Girls in warmer climates are at more risk when it comes to developing eating disorders. They also weigh less than girls who live in colder climates. Compare this to animals, where animals who live in colder climate need more body mass to keep warm. Who would have ever thought? The surveys also revealed that Florida girls care more about body image than Pennsylvania girls. So, Sloan concluded that, â€Å"The greater distortion of body image may result from the need to wear more revealing clothing.† In other words, body image anxiety increases during warm weather. Of course, since we all have to fit into that bathing suit.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Goals Paper Essay

My second long-term goal is an academic goal. My academic goal is to graduate from the University of Central Florida with a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education. This academic goal of mine is very important to me because I want to be a teacher. I have always wanted to become a teacher since I was a young girl but I foolishly did not pursue my dream. I am now at a point in my life where I recognize that tomorrow is not promised. Therefore, I have decided to pursue my dream of becoming a teacher and will not allow myself to steer off that path. My third long-term goal is career orientated. This long-term career goal is to simply become an effective elementary teacher. By becoming an effective elementary teacher, I will be able to make a positive difference in the lives of my students. I know firsthand the importance of an effective teacher because I experienced what one was like. That person was my fifth grade teacher and she made such a positive difference in my life at that time. I want to be able to do the same and so that is why becoming an effective elementary teacher is my long-term career goal. Now that I have identified my three long-term goals I will now discuss how I will accomplish these goals. In order for me to achieve my personal long-term goal of becoming a homeowner, I have set a short-term and an intermediate goal. My short-term goal which will help lead me to becoming a homeowner is finding a job, because I am currently unemployed. The only income I have at this time is from my husband’s full-time job. His income alone cannot qualify us for a mortgage loan. Therefore, I intend to consistently look for employment on a weekly basis. Although this short-term goal may seem to be an easy one, it is not. The reason it is not is due to the fact that there are a lot of people currently unemployed whom are looking for work themselves. This has a negative effect on me because it makes my chances of finding a job much harder. However, I am determined to find a job no matter how many applications it may take. I will make sure that I attach a resume and will make follow-up calls to each of the employers that I have submitted an employment application to. I will also keep a positive attitude on my pursuit for employment so that nothing sabotages my short-term goal. With that said, having a job is not the only thing that is necessary for me to achieve my long-term personal goal. I will also need to have some money saved to put down towards the purchase price of a home. Therefore, I have set an intermediate goal to have saved at least two percent of $195,000 dollars within the next two and a half years by putting $130 dollars per month into a savings account. I am confident that I can achieve my personal long-term goal as long as I adhere to the short-term and intermediate goals that I have indicated above. As for my long-term academic goal to achieve a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education, I have set a short-term and an intermediate goal that will assist me in obtaining it. My short-term goal consists of two parts. The first part is to take a minimum of four courses, per semester, that are required for the type of degree I am seeking. The second part is to maintain a grade point average of 3. 0 or higher. In order for me to meet these short-term goals I will make sure that I follow the education catalog which outlines all the courses I need to complete and I will make sure that I consistently keep up with all assignments. I will also keep myself organized and maintain a positive attitude in every course that I take. My intermediate goal is to earn my associates degree at Valencia by the year 2012. I know that I can accomplish this intermediate goal as long as I adhere to my short-term goal stated above. Now this may sound like an easy thing to do but in reality there are always challenges that can arise and put a damper on things. One of the challenges that I face in meeting my short-term goal is procrastination. I tend to procrastinate when it comes to studying and completing assignments that I find to be challenging. This course has already taught me the importance to stop procrastinating and to study. I plan to utilize the information from our course to stop the cycle of procrastination and to study in an effective manner. I also intend to consistently reaffirm my long-term academic goal so that it will motivate me to keep in line with my short-term and intermediate goals. Lastly for my long-term career goal, which is to be an effective elementary teacher, I have set a short-term and an intermediate goal. My short-term goal is to get hired as an elementary teacher shortly after obtaining my bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education. In order for that to happen, I will submit employment applications at several elementary schools for a teacher position. I will also make sure that I provide a resume along with my portfolio to all of the schools that I have submitted an employment application to. My intermediate goal that I have set which will assist me in becoming an effective elementary teacher consists of developing professionally on a personal level and on a career level. Once I am employed as an elementary teacher, I plan to attend workshops that will improve my skills as a teacher so that I can apply such skills in the classroom. In time I know that I can be an effective elementary teacher because I have a passion to teach and love being around children. In summary, I have a long-term personal goal to own a home, a long-term academic goal to earn a bachelor’s degree, and a long-term career goal to become an effective elementary teacher. All three of my long-term goals are very important to me and in essence builds and/or relies on the other. In order for me to accomplish my three long-term goals, I have set S-M-A-R-T short-term and intermediate goals for each. I also believe that I will be able to achieve all three long-term goals because of Valencia. One of the reasons why Valencia will assist me in reaching my goals is simply due to the fact that this community college is very affordable. Also, this community college has many wonderful professors that are dedicated in guiding students successfully on their career paths. Valencia Community College also has many resources available to me that will assist me in obtaining my associate’s degree and will prepare me with the skills needed to be a successful student at UCF.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Creativity art

The Creativity Spirit During my entire life I encountered a creativity killer. The type of the killer that Eve encountered are surveillance, evaluation, rewards, competition, and pressure. The reason why I encountered the type of killer of surveillance was because during in every classroom I had through my life from K-8, the teacher will always watch my classroom work not letting me to take the risk of being creative in learning.Another type of killer Eve got through my life was evaluation because through-out my life Eve always had other people Judging on what I was doing, they wouldn't satisfy themselves of me being myself. The other killer that Eve encountered in my life is rewards because every time in my life when I tried to achieve a goal that I set my self I would always rewards myself with success. Competition Killer Eve also encountered through-out my life because since I have played soccer my entire life Eve always faced competition.Finally the last type of killer that I fac ed in my life Is pressure cause since I'm the oldest out of my brother and sister. I'm trying to set an example for them so I feel like I have a lot of pressure because I feel like I need to establish grandiose expectation for them. I feel that Creativity Killers do impact learning and creating in college student because I feel that they need to be free to learn and be creative to learn. Also adults enter ultimate state of creativity called flow in which whole absorption can provoke peak desire and creativity. I feel that It's a mixed Impact of positive and negative .

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Process Of The Smallpox Disease Health And Social Care Essay

The beginning of variola is unsure, but it is believed to hold originated in Africa and so distribute to India and China 1000s of old ages ago. The first recorded variola epidemic was in 1350 BC during the Egyptian-Hittite war. Smallpox reached Europe between the 5th and 7th centuries and was present in major European metropoliss by the eighteenth century. Epidemics occurred in the North American settlements in the 17th and 18th centuries. At one clip variola was a important disease in every state throughout the universe except Australia and a few stray islands. Millions of people died in Europe and Mexico as a consequence of widespread variola epidemics. The autumn of aˆÂ ¦ aˆÂ ¦ caused by the smallpox virus. Smallpox has two clinical signifiers, major smallpox and minor smallpox. Major smallpox is documented as manifesting in four different types, ordinary, modified, level and hemorrhagic. Major smallpox is the more serious of the two signifiers dwelling of more extended roseola and higher febrilities. Of the four types of smallpox major ordinary histories for the bulk of instances, approximately 90 % , modified occurs in antecedently vaccinated individuals and is non found really frequently. Flat and hemorrhagic are seldom found nevertheless, are normally really terrible and fatal. Of all the individuals infected with smallpox major the human death rate is about 30 % . The 2nd signifier smallpox child is the rarest signifier of the two. The badness of smallpox child is really low and the human death rate of individuals affected by this signifier is normally merely 1 % . The early symptoms of the disease are similar to the grippe which normally manifests 12-14 yearss after the initial exposure. The features of variolas are normally fever, utmost weariness, musculus achings and a skin roseola that gets increasingly worse over the class of the disease. The roseola starts as a little ruddy musca volitanss on the lingua and in the oral cavity. Then the musca volitanss become hypertrophied blisters that break unfastened run outing the virus down the pharynx. This is considered the most contagious phase of the disease. Normally during the clip when the unfastened sores develop in the oral cavity the roseola normally appears on the face, weaponries and legs so it spreads to the bole. The whole organic structure is covered with the roseola within 24 hours after the blisters in the oral cavity interruption unfastened. Unlike varicella, smallpox lesions all advancement at the same rate. Around the 3rd twenty-four hours after symptoms start, the febrility norma lly falls and the individual feels better nevertheless this is when the roseola starts to knock up. Then the bumps become Pus filled blisters with a â€Å" navel like † centre. It is about this clip in the disease patterned advance that the febrility will lift once more and remain high until the blisters start to scab over, normally about two hebdomads. During this clip the individual is still really contagious. Within about three hebdomads of the development of the roseola the strikebreaker Begin to fall off go forthing behind alveolate cicatrixs on the tegument. It is merely after all of the strikebreakers have fallen off that the individual is no longer contagious. From the clip that the blisters in the oral cavity interruption unfastened to the clip the strikebreakers fall off, normally about 4-5 hebdomads, the individual must remain wholly stray. â€Å" Persons who have had contact with the patient should be isolated for 17 yearss. † ( Nettina, S. , Ed. , 2010, p. 1225 ) Normally immature kids and immature grownups are the 1s at hazard for this disease. Family member of person infected with variola are at really high hazard for undertaking the disease. Isolation has a profound consequence on the societal, household, religious and physiological province of the septic individual. They are non able to come in contact with anyone. They must to the full trust on themselves for all ADL ‘s. This could be really seeking on the septic individual because they have a high febrility, weariness and musculus achings doing it really hard for them to even carry through a simple undertaking. Harmonizing to the CDC, ( 2004 ) Peoples placed in isolation will non be able to travel to work. Stairss will be taken to care for their mundane demands ( e.g. , nutrient and other demands ) . Normally medical and nursing attention of individuals infected with variola is supportive attention, antibiotic disposal, antiviral medicine disposal and IV solutions given to forestall desiccation. All nurses and medical professionals that come in contact with septic individuals will be offered the inoculation for the disease nevertheless, they do non hold to take it nor will they be forced to. Harmonizing to Mosby ‘s Dictionary of medical specialty, nursing, and wellness professions ( 2009 ) , â€Å" the last instance of variola in the U.S. was in 1949, and the last recorded instance in the universe was in Somalia in 1977. † Since the disease has been eradicated and inoculation is no longer required, terrible and sometimes fatal reactions to the vaccinum are no longer a menace. The inoculation to forestall variola is a unrecorded smallpox virus therefore there is an associated hazard to those who receive the vaccinum of developing the disease. Smallpox nevertheless is thought to be one of the diseases that may someday be used in biological terrorism. This is why, â€Å" Right now, the U.S. authorities has adequate variola vaccinum to immunize every individual in the United States in the instance of a smallpox exigency. † ( CDC, 2004 ) The CDC besides has an exigency protocol put into topographic point for wellness professionals in instance of a smallpox eruption. Mentions Brannon, H. MD. ( 2004, September ) . Health ‘s Disease and Condition. aˆÂ ¦ Students Paper: aˆÂ ¦ and Condition. The History of Smallpox: The Rise and Fall of a Disease aˆÂ ¦ hypertext transfer protocol: // aˆÂ ¦ Vierotchka y The History of Smallpox The history of the rise and autumn of variola is a aˆÂ ¦ aˆÂ ¦ a Disease. Retrieved on September 24, 2010, from aˆÂ ¦ Students Paper: aˆÂ ¦ 2010, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Division of aˆÂ ¦ hypertext transfer protocol: // aˆÂ ¦ hypertext transfer protocol: // // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦Division of Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response ( DBPR ) , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) . ( 2004, December 30 ) . Smallpox Facts Sheet: Smallpox Overview. Retrieved on September 24, 2010, aˆÂ ¦ Students Paper: aˆÂ ¦ 24, 2010, from & gt ; Division of aˆÂ ¦ hypertext transfer protocol: // aˆÂ ¦ min ago From hypertext transfer protocol: // Rate This aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦ & gt ;Division of Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response ( DBPR ) , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) . ( 2002, November 26 ) . The CDC Smallpox Response Plan and Guidelines. Annex 1-Overview of Smallpox and Clinical Presentations, and Medical Care of Smallpox Patient. Retrieved on September 24, 2010, aˆÂ ¦ Students Paper: aˆÂ ¦ 24, 2010, from hypertext transfer protocol: // aˆÂ ¦ hypertext transfer protocol: // aˆÂ ¦ min ago From hypertext transfer protocol: // aˆÂ ¦ aˆÂ ¦ /response-plan/index.asp # extension Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. ( 2009, August 14 ) . Smallpox. aˆÂ ¦ Students Paper: aˆÂ ¦ 14 ) . Smallpox. Retrieved on September 24, 2010, from hypertext transfer protocol: // aˆÂ ¦ hypertext transfer protocol: // aˆÂ ¦ Retrieved on September 24, 2010 from hypertext transfer protocol: // aˆÂ ¦ aˆÂ ¦ Mosby ‘s Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & A ; Health Professions ( 8th ed. ) . ( 2009 ) . St. Louis: Mosby Elsivier Nettina, S. ( Ed. ) . ( 2010 ) . Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice. ( 9th ed. ) . ( p. 1225 ) . Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York, London, Buenos Aires, Hong Kong, Sydney, Tokyo: Wolters Kluwer Health/ Lippincott Williams & A ; WilkinsList of plagiaristic paperssA A A A11 % hypertext transfer protocol: // A A A10 % hypertext transfer protocol: // qid=20080321150116AA0W1E5A A A A10 % hypertext transfer protocol: // qid=1006032205500A A A A10 % hypertext transfer protocol: // A A A8 % hypertext transfer protocol: // A A A8 % hypertext transfer protocol: // A A A7 % hypertext transfer protocol: // qid=20081203144054AA5CxNXA A A A3 % hypertext transfer protocol: // A A A2 % hypertext transfer protocol: // A A A2 % hypertext transfer protocol: // A A A1 % hypertext transfer protocol: // A A A1 % hypertext transfer protocol: // A A A1 % hypertext transfer protocol: // A A A1 % hypertext transfer protocol: // A A A0 % hypertext transfer protocol: // LinkIdentifier=id & A ; ItemID=18136Master papers textPNUR 112 MED SURG Smallpox Disease Research Trisha Weaver 9/24/2010 Abstraction This paper focuses on the procedure of the smallpox disease, the causes and the different phases of the disease. Besides outlined in this paper are the affects that the disease has on the septic individual, non merely the physiological affects but besides the societal, mental, and religious. I have besides included any interventions, bar and nursing intercessions that are associated with variola. To give readers a better apprehension of this paper I feel it is of import to give a brief history of the smallpox disease. Harmonizing to Heather Brannon, MD, ( 2004 ) , The beginning of variola is unsure, but it is believed to hold originated in Africa and so distribute to India and China 1000s of old ages ago. The first recorded variola epidemic was in 1350 BC during the Egyptian-Hittite war. Smallpox reached Europe between the 5th and 7th centuries and was present in major European metropoliss by the eighteenth century. Epidemics occurred in the North American settlements in the 17th and 18th centuries. At one clip variola was a important disease in every state throughout the universe except Australia and a few stray islands. Millions of people died in Europe and Mexico as a consequence of widespread variola epidemics. Smallpox Smallpox is caused by the smallpox virus. Smallpox has two clinical signifiers, major smallpox and minor smallpox. Major smallpox is documented as manifesting in four different types, ordinary, modified, level and hemorrhagic. Major smallpox is the more serious of the two signifiers dwelling of more extended roseola and higher febrilities. Of the four types of smallpox major ordinary histories for the bulk of instances, approximately 90 % , modified occurs in antecedently vaccinated individuals and is non found really frequently. Flat and hemorrhagic are seldom found nevertheless, are normally really terrible and fatal. Of all the individuals infected with smallpox major the human death rate is about 30 % . The 2nd signifier smallpox child is the rarest signifier of the two. The badness of smallpox child is really low and the human death rate of individuals affected by this signifier is normally merely 1 % . The early symptoms of the disease are similar to the grippe which normally manifests 12-14 yearss after the initial exposure. The features of variolas are normally fever, utmost weariness, musculus achings and a skin roseola that gets increasingly worse over the class of the disease. The roseola starts as a little ruddy musca volitanss on the lingua and in the oral cavity. Then the musca volitanss become hypertrophied blisters that break unfastened run outing the virus down the pharynx. This is considered the most contagious phase of the disease. Normally during the clip when the unfastened sores develop in the oral cavity the roseola normally appears on the face, weaponries and legs so it spreads to the bole. The whole organic structure is covered with the roseola within 24 hours after the blisters in the oral cavity interruption unfastened. Unlike varicella, smallpox lesions all advancement at the same rate. Around the 3rd twenty-four hours after symptoms start, the febrility norma lly falls and the individual feels better nevertheless this is when the roseola starts to knock up. Then the bumps become Pus filled blisters with a â€Å" navel like † centre. It is about this clip in the disease patterned advance that the febrility will lift once more and remain high until the blisters start to scab over, normally about two hebdomads. During this clip the individual is still really contagious. Within about three hebdomads of the development of the roseola the strikebreaker Begin to fall off go forthing behind alveolate cicatrixs on the tegument. It is merely after all of the strikebreakers have fallen off that the individual is no longer contagious. From the clip that the blisters in the oral cavity interruption unfastened to the clip the strikebreakers fall off, normally about 4-5 hebdomads, the individual must remain wholly stray. â€Å" Persons who have had contact with the patient should be isolated for 17 yearss. † ( Nettina, S. , Ed. , 2010, p. 1225 ) Normally immature kids and immature grownups are the 1s at hazard for this disease. Family member of person infected with variola are at really high hazard for undertaking the disease. Isolation has a profound consequence on the societal, household, religious and physiological province of the septic individual. They are non able to come in contact with anyone. They must to the full trust on themselves for all ADL ‘s. This could be really seeking on the septic individual because they have a high febrility, weariness and musculus achings doing it really hard for them to even carry through a simple undertaking. Harmonizing to the CDC, ( 2004 ) Peoples placed in isolation will non be able to travel to work. Stairss will be taken to care for their mundane demands ( e.g. , nutrient and other demands ) . Normally medical and nursing attention of individuals infected with variola is supportive attention, antibiotic disposal, antiviral medicine disposal and IV solutions given to forestall desiccation. All nurses and medical professionals that come in contact with septic individuals will be offered the inoculation for the disease nevertheless, they do non hold to take it nor will they be forced to. Harmonizing to Mosby ‘s Dictionary of medical specialty, nursing, and wellness professions ( 2009 ) , â€Å" the last instance of variola in the U.S. was in 1949, and the last recorded instance in the universe was in Somalia in 1977. † Since the disease has been eradicated and inoculation is no longer required, terrible and sometimes fatal reactions to the vaccinum are no longer a menace. The inoculation to forestall variola is a unrecorded smallpox virus therefore there is an associated hazard to those who receive the vaccinum of developing the disease. Smallpox nevertheless is thought to be one of the diseases that may someday be used in biological terrorism. This is why, â€Å" Right now, the U.S. authorities has adequate variola vaccinum to immunize every individual in the United States in the instance of a smallpox exigency. † ( CDC, 2004 ) The CDC besides has an exigency protocol put into topographic point for wellness professionals in instance of a smallpox eruption.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Cost Behaviors and Allocation Essay

The relationship between fixed, variable, and total costs of an organization is called cost behavior. It is also known as underlying cost structure, and is used for planning, control, and decision making within the organization. Healthcare organizations face several challenges to try and improve the quality of care and reduce costs at the same time. Their response to how to do this describes their cost behavior. Fixed costs is a cost that are certain regardless of the volume of services that are delivered and will occur even if the facility is closed. Variable costs are related directly to the amount of service that is delivered. These two costs make up the underlying cost structure of an organization. For example the costs of supplies used to draw blood in a laboratory, would be the variable costs, the costs to keep the laboratory open would be fixed costs. To understand the cost behaviors of the organization you have to figure out the relationship these costs have with the amount of services that they are delivering. To manage your costs you want to make sure that you are bringing in enough volume that will cover your costs. Cost allocation is a very important part of cost measurement. It is a pricing process that within the organization where managers allocate the costs of all the departments. Within healthcare organizations the overhead costs, costs from patient services departments, and support costs have to be allocated. Due to this pricing and service offerings are based on the total costs in relation with each services. If the allocations of overhead costs are allocated properly the organization is better able to make good decisions for the organization. Works Cited Evans III, J. H. (1998). Cost Management and Management Control in Healthcare Organizations: Research Opportunities. Behavioral Research in Accounting , 10, 78-103. Gapenski, L. (2012). Healthcare finance: An introduction to accounting and financial management (5th ed. ). Chicago: Health Administration Press.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Aggressive Behavior In Pre School Children And Young People Essay

Aggressive Behavior In Pre School Children And Young People Essay According to the American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry, children as young as preschoolers are capable of aggressive behavior. Children younger than five years of age can display different forms of aggressive behavior. These different behaviors can come in the form of temper tantrums, fighting, pushing and even actions that are directed toward harming animals. The behaviors that are exhibited should be taken seriously as they tend to carry over into adolescence and many times adulthood. Aggressive behaviors should be addressed in children because their potential for harming others or themselves is high. Young children, younger than the age of five, who are prone to pushing, biting and hitting, in some cases, display this type of aggressive behavior in order to get attention. Others develop behavior that stems from frustrations of toilet training, illness, hunger, moving, divorce and even the birth of a new sibling. Some of this behavior tends to disappear as the child gets older and begins to develop a greater level of social skills and are able to deal with not being the sole recipient of attention. Educators and parents alike who learn to recognize the onset of these behavioral tendencies have a better chance of addressing the behavior and getting the proper attention in order to attempt to prevent these behaviors from escalating. Children who have not learned to deal with aggression by the age of four or five often need to have intervention sessions that are conducted by mental health professionals. Some children respond to therapies alone while some need therapeutic sessions and medications to control their aggressions. Being able to recognize some of the signs of potential aggressive behavior in young children are related to those who do not often interact with others, children who do not listen or follow Aggressive Behavior in Pre-School Age Children 2 Directions, those who seem unattached and do not make eye contact; these signs tend to signal a child may develop aggressive behavior and should be watched for in an environment like a classroom. Why Young Children Show Aggression Most young children who push, hit or grab are doing so to get attention and get their way, according to the California Childcare Health Program (CCHP). Many children between the ages of one and five have not developed the skills necessary to communicate properly to make their feelings and desires known, and are more likely to experience frustration in group settings, or if the child has limited motor control and verbal skills. This frustration comes out in the form of aggression, writes the CCHP, and can be exacerbated by child stresses like hunger, toilet training, illness or tiredness. Still others may display aggressive behavior following a major environmental change such as a new sibling, a divorce or a move. Photo Credit temper image by Lisa Eastman from Children as young as preschoolers are capable of exhibiting violent behavior, according to the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP). Aggressive and violent behavior can be upsetting to everyone around a child, and should always be taken seriously regardless of how young the child is. Because children who are aggressive often continue to have related problems as they get older, it is important to address behavioral problems early.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Divorce Mediation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Divorce Mediation - Essay Example 2. The mediator must use the framing and reframing of statements technique to defuse tension and hostility between parties and remind them that the children’s welfare are at stake. 3. Angela is in the best position to gain temporary custody of the children. Rationale The issues to be resolved between David and Angela can be divided into two: custody issue, and; property settlement issue. Initial and introductory mediation can be done during the first session as well as the issue on temporary custody. The subject of property settlement can be done in 1 to 2 sessions and child custody during the last session or vice-versa. Nevertheless, there is no guarantee that everything can be settled in four sessions only. One of the ways to defuse tension and hostility during family mediation is through the technique of framing and reframing the statements of parties. The mediator must listen for hostile and provocative remarks coming from either party and be ready to reframe these remarks using neutral words to prevent the other from being agitated. It is also wise to remind the parties of the children’s welfare during the discussions.